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Series "Reflections for the day after"
The Series "Reflections for the day after" was born from the internal meetings that the team of experts from the IT Sales Institute, in which we analyze how the current situation of global health emergency is already affecting, but will also transform in the medium term, the business selling technological solutions.
We see that some of the teachings that we have learned throughout the preceding years will become very important to successfully face what comes from now on.
Also that some of the deficiencies that manifested repeatedly may not have been critical in previous moments of economic boom, but that they can be fatal for businesses in the new era that has already begun.
This series of content capsules aims to influence these teachings and learnings, and effective tools to solve the shortcomings that can affect the chances of successfully exiting the situation, and limit the ability to take advantage of the opportunities that will arise.
Download of the Excel "Self-Assessment of Competitive Capacities for the day after"
The video capsule series "The Service to Business Highway" is the result of the alliance between Global Partners Training and The IT Sales Institute, aimed at helping technology companies take advantage of the little-exploited capacity of their technical service and support teams to help detect and generate business opportunities.
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